Saturday, April 28, 2012

Coupons and Lost Wedding Rings

I think I have officially lost my wedding rings (my engagement and wedding ring are soldered together...I lost this and my anniversary ring I wear on my right hand)  For some reason, I hate wearing my rings to bed, so I take them off every night.  The problem is, I take them off all over the house so it's always a treat finding them.  And if I don't find them before L gets up, well, it's any one's game then!  I have to think this is what happened.  A said he saw them on the coffee table last.  Hmm...after tearing apart the whole family room and my bedroom I still haven't found them.  We asked L where he would have put them, but he used it as an opportunity to open all kinds of drawers he's normally not allowed in, in attempt to find where we hide the candy!  Tricky little dude!  To say he's smart, might be an understatement.  He knows exactly how to work the system.  Thankfully, I have them insured (see?  There are some benefits to working for an insurance company!!)  However, we've been known to use our personal articles policy a little bit (like three broken phones and a camera), so I am fairly certain should we turn a claim in for my rings, the policy will probably end up getting cancelled.  If we can not lose or break the few things left on this particular policy for three years, we can always get it again!  Hahaha!  Dang me and my ditsy mind!  Ugh.  If I get new rings, I am absolutely going to have to figure out some sort of secret spot to put them when I go to bed.

I don't consider myself an "extreme couponer" by any means, but I don't do too bad.  Haha!  Couponing is a ridiculous amount of work.  We don't have many places in our area that double coupons, so a lot of time, I look through all the ads and go to Walmart to price match.  One of my mom's friend, bless her heart, sends a
HUGE pile of coupons every few weeks home with my mom.  I have a really sweet coupon binder A bought me for Christmas, (always so practical!!) but honestly, I have gotten so far behind in cutting out coupons it's just use less.  Anyhow, today I decided to wade through gigantic pile of coupons and just cut out what I thought I might buy (or definitely would buy).  I went shopping to Walmart today (this may be my only chance to go shopping without L...A doesn't have the patience for coupons and L shopping!).  I didn't do any price matching, but I used all my coupons and saved about $24!!  I was really excited.  Not too shabby for sure.  I feel like, had I price matched, I would have really rocked it.  Oh well....$24 is a really decent savings...definitely better than nothing!  Someday, I may really become an amazing couponer, but for now I'm cool with where I am at!

UPDATE:  Still searching all around the house for those dang rings.  For the life of me, I just can't imagine where they took off to.  This is clearly becoming more and more an obsession for me.  I can't stop looking for them....they have to be in the house somewhere.  I know I can get new rings...even ones that are very similar if not the same, but it just doesn't have the same sentimental value.  The diamond in my engagement ring is one we purchased while on a cruise in Mexico (thank God I still have my original was turned into a pendant).  I also had a small diamond added to the attached wedding band.  My ring had been customized to suit me.   I know I can get the exact same anniversary ring because it was from Kay Jewelers,  but that was the gift A gave me for our first anniversary.  Ugh.  I am feeling super frustrated!

UPDATE:  4/30/12 Still no rings!  Ugh.  I went to White Jewelers where A originally purchased my ring to look around and get a feel for things.  Am I the only one who thinks that selling the setting and diamond separately is annoying?  So there are a lot of things I am debating....#1 replace everything I lost...engagement ring, wedding ring, and anniversary ring.  #2 getting only an engagement ring and not a wedding band and then getting my anniversary ring OR #3 getting an engagement ring and wedding ring and NOT buying an anniversary ring.  #1 and #3 sound like the best options so far.  With #3, I would have the ability to wear some of my "second string" rings that I usually opt for my anniversary ring over.  I have a beautiful blue diamond ring that could easily take the seat of my right ring finger. first I was kind of excited to have the chance to buy more jewelry, but as I started looking, I am left kind of missing my old rings.

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