Tuesday, June 18, 2013

True Blood Season!! (SPOILER ALERT)

For today, I am going to write about TV shows.  My personal life is so chaotic and stressful right now, escaping to an alternative world sounds just about heavenly right now.  I've made a goal of not whining too much on my blog....hence the small break I've recently taken :)  I figured I haven't mentioned Alexander Skarsgard in a post in a while and the season premiere of True Blood was on this weekend....

I assume telling you how much I love True Blood is probably repeating myself.  The season premiere was a little slower than normal, but it definitely had it's good points and I am going to hope that this season will be better than the last few.  This is the first season without Allan Ball involved, so there may be some subtle or not so subtle changes to the way the show plays out.  I may be alone here, but I am kind of thinking Bill turning into Billith will finally make the character more interesting.  Let's face it, Bill has been a wet rag for the past 5 seasons.  A little evil can't hurt his character!  I wasn't sure how I'd like the plot line of Andy and the four babies...even watching this episode at first I was feeling a little meh about it, but I love that they turned into toddlers in one night!  That's no doubt going to give Andy, Terry, and Arlene some fun stories!  I still love Pam...can she do any wrong?  Come on..."sand in your cooch"?  CLASSIC True Blood line.  Still unsure about Tara.  She tends to be the Debbie downer in any scene.  I have never seemed to entirely enjoy the stuff about the wolves.  Do they bore anyone else?  Maybe if their drama played into main plot of the show more (a common complaint of True Blood has always been too many different story lines at one time).  In the books (I know...they are two different entities...but sometimes True Blood could use a little return to it's roots...), the werewolves and vampires have a little more interaction.  I always liked that Eric had control over Alcide and his father and each group of supes knew what was going on with the other group.  I'm holding out judgement on Alcide and his new pack till later in the season.  And finally, the most important character (or to me anyway), Eric...swoon....  I love that Sookie staked Billith over Eric.  So sweet.  I do just love Eric.  I'm looking forward to him being evil too this season!  Eric does evil hot.  Bill tends to do evil boring...let's hope Billith is more captivating this season!  I am excited to see how things progress!

 Eric and Sookie
 Just cause he's mad hot....
Still mad hot! :)