Thursday, May 10, 2012

Yay for Obama!!!

I am not one to talk politics, but I think this is important issue and I want to blog about it.  Besides, I don't really think that it's a political issue in the first place.  I am not entirely sure why gay marriage is so important to me.  I am not gay and don't really have any close friends or family that is gay either.  I just feel very strongly that every person has the right to love whomever they choose.  I understand the argument that "marriage" is a religious term, but I'd be inclined to argue that there are man/ woman marriages that don't even believe in God.  I'd also argue that there are an abundance of gay people who believe in God and religion.  To me, none of this should be decided by a bunch of men in stiff suits.  I fail to see the need/ desire for the government to control this issue.  I think my favorite argument against gay marriage is that a man/ woman marriage is just how it's "supposed to be".  Really?  Can we heterosexuals say that because it's natural for us to be together, we have done marriage the right way?  In this day and age, with divorce happening to at least 50% of married couples, we really feel the natural way is best?  Who are we kidding?  My generation has this attitude towards marriage that if things get rough or it isn't a fairy tale, we always have an easy way out....divorce.  I am always shocked when I hear someone I know is getting a divorce.  And it's not just my peers that believes this, as I look at my parents' generation, they are getting divorces at seemingly the same speed as my peers, only they are ending 20+ years of marriage rather than 2-5.  How would letting gay people get married hurt the sanctity of marriage worse?  I actually know a few gay couples who have been together longer than most of my straight friends.

To me, this is as much humans rights as blacks being equal and women voting.  I just don't understand who we think we are to tell someone who it's alright to love.  Honestly, it makes me sick.  Admittedly, I wish Obama would have made his statement a LONG time ago.  But I guess, better late than never.  Sometimes, I just can't believe that in this day and age, we are still constantly fighting for people to have equal rights!  Do we ever learn from our history?  I am extremely frustrated at this whole issue, I can't even imagine how the LGTB community feels.  UGH.....we are all still people!  It shouldn't matter if you are man, woman, black, white, gay, straight, christian, atheist, republican, democrat, or any other words that may describe you!  We all human and we should all have the same rights! 

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