Thursday, May 3, 2012

Park, Garden and Ditsy Maggie (and maybe a little Askars...)

Yesterday, I worked all day (well most of the day) because I was off all day Tuesday for my Dr.'s appointment.  My mom, bless her, watched L for me the second half of the day.  Apparently, someone came to our house Tuesday afternoon and said they were trying to get a business started and wanted to clean our carpets for free.  A seemed to think this was a great idea (seriously?  Let some strange person into our house while he's NOT home to clean our carpets?)  So I went home around 4:30pm to meet this person.  Not shockingly, they didn't show up.  Anyway, this lead to my mom and I both being home early from work, so we figured we'd go grab some McDonald's and take L to the park.  L had a freaking GREAT time!  He is hilarious.  For some reason, he loves to run the whole outside perimeter of a park.  It's really weird and funny all at the same time.  He also talks to EVERYONE (for the life of me, I can't figure out where he got that from!)  He's growing up to be such a little character.  He cracks me up. 

After the park, I dressed mom up in some grubbies and got her to help me plant my garden.  Seriously, we did it in under an hour together....we rocked!  I probably should have done a little research to have an idea of how big everything got and how close everything should be planted, but sadly I didn't.  But I did have an idea, so hopefully my garden won't go bananas and I can't get anything out of it.  Now I have to get those dang rocks finished so I can put them in the garden.  I didn't plant my herbs and flowers yet.  I think my herbs are going to go in my flower beds.  I am also going to plant a line of marigolds along the edge of my garden.  I still have a lot to go, especially since I am having surgery in a little over a month, but I feel good about what I've gotten done so far.  Today it is supposed to stay really nice, so I am hoping to get somethings done this afternoon.  Also, going to a plant show on Saturday morning....I am looking forward to that! 

This little bit is between you and one better tell A!!!  I am so ridiculously ditsy lately.  I don't know what's going on and I'd like to say I have some great excuse, but I don't really know that I do.  Not only did I lose my dang rings, but I totally left my debit card at an Olive Garden in Cleveland on Tuesday!  All in a within a week of each other!  I know that I am totally spreading myself thin lately and I have a lot on my mind, but this is just plain dumb of me.  I just can't believe how forgetful I've become lately. 

So because I've had a crappy week losing everything I should be keeping a close eye on, I am going to post some pictures of Askars.  He recently did an interview and when asked if he would like to play Christian Grey from those dang books, he said "It sounds like a part I was born to play" and mentioned how Eric in True Blood had a torture dungeon too.  I will watch anything with this man in it, no matter how crappy the movie is, but I am really begging that he please, please stay away from these movies (yes, I know, I can't believe I am asking for him to turn down a movie where he'll no doubt be naked, but I'd prefer him clothed and playing a much better part!)  Between my new Sookie book and there being only 38 days till True Blood (I did not know this fact off the top of my head, actually A told me this morning), I think some Askars is definitely needed.  (Funny side story, last night a commercial of Battleship came on last night and I asked A if he would like to see that move....he was  I said we will definitely be seeing it because Alexander Skarsgard is in it.  He busted up laughing!  LOVE my hubby!)

Kind of a random selections of pictures....:)  

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