Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Oh Sookie I Have Missed You....

Immediately after waking up yesterday and registering that it was the first of May, I grabbed my nook all excited to get my new Sookie Stackhouse book by Charlaine Harris!!!  Was I disappointed to see that my nook was almost out of batteries!  NOOOO!  Thank God for my iphone...I pulled up my book and read for a few minutes.  I figured I'd get to really get into the book while waiting for the doctor.  We did wait for a long time to see him, but they had me filling out a few books of forms asking the same thing over and over most of the time.  After I put L to bed, I was really ready to start reading more.  Hahaha...I passed out before finishing one page!  Finally, this morning I got to sit in my bathtub (this was the first time this week that when my rear hit the tub I didn't hear "MOOOOOMY" and little feet kicking the crap out of the door) and enjoy some of my new book.  For crying out loud, I've been waiting a whole year and even had the book pre-ordered on my nook!!!  So far it's good.  I will probably cry next year with the last book of the series.  Usually, every year come spring time, I sit down and read all the previous books so it's all fresh in my mind by the time the new one releases.  This year, I didn't get a chance to do that (I was busy reading those DANG "Shades" books)!  I feel like I kind of missed out on my tradition, but I am too excited to take time to read eleven books before getting to the new one!  A new Sookie books means a new season of True Blood will be here REALLY soon (though never soon enough, if you ask me!)  For anyone who follows either the book or the show, the book release and start of a new season really have nothing to do with each other, they just happen to happen within a month of each other. 

Last night, I fed my weird obsession with rocks again.  I got about ten new rocks to paint...a few smaller ones that are really nice shaped and smooth and one BIG one (it was really heavy to haul around) to write our name on and put in our front yard.  Yesterday, I also reaffirmed my obsessive nature.  My mom and I were talking and she brought up that she thinks that a lot of times, I do crafts or gardening or WHATEVER to deal with stress.  Yes, obviously.  But my personality is so anal that if I do something, I have to make sure it's done completely.  If I like to do something, it's all or nothing for me (see my post "I Love Reading").  I definitely knew all this about myself and I figured that my family knew it too, but to actually hear it is a little different.  This all happened BEFORE I loaded up on more rocks!  Obsess much, Maggie?  Haha! 

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