Hmmm...I am having a hard time thinking of a question today.... OK, I guess I'll go off the cuff. We are all humans and humans are flawed by nature. So I ask....what is your biggest flaw? Something you wish you could change about yourself?
Now that I thought of a question, now I have to think about the answer....not because I am so perfect, more because I have so many flaws. I guess the big one that comes to mind immediately is that I am a perfectionist. And I am extremely rigid about it. I tend to be really long winded and stubborn when I am trying to explain my logic and people get frustrated because I come across as being argumentative, when really I am just trying to explain how to make things just so. I think the way people perceive me is probably something I would like change about myself most. I am very blunt. I have a dry sense of humor and laugh when I am nervous. All of these things combined can be off putting at a first glance. The best part is, I don't really even know how I would correct these things. They are part of my personality. I am thankful for my friends and family that give me more a first glance and realize I am not completely that person. Maybe tomorrow I'll tell you the good stuff about me ;)
Once your Aunt Jay and I were watching old, old rerun of the original TV series of Star Trek. Whatever the story was about it did involve visiting an alien culture where the Prime Directive was invoked and explained. You know, when you come into contact with an alien people not as highly evolved as you are, the Prime Directive states you are to leave them the way you found them. In other words, don't try to teach them anything or show them anything that will force them to evolve faster than they should. Aunt Jay exclaimed when she heard that piece of Star Trek info and turned to me and said, "That's the way you should be, Pia. Instead of trying to change everybody you meet and making them understand why what they're doing is wrong, you should leave 'em the way you found them." In other words, you found them stupid, leave them stupid. It's been a piece of advice I've taken to heart and has saved me millions of hours of head-banging frustration all around. This was a seminal moment in my development. Good luck on finding the switch that turns off or modifies that thing inside you that make people see you in the wrong way.
ReplyDeleteOne more thing, I've just noticed the time stamp on my comment here as being 4:07 AM, when in fact it is 7:07 AM as I am sitting at my computer. So, this site is set for PST, not the time zone where the person is. Just wanted you to know that lest you think I was writing this in the middle of the night. Just saying...
ReplyDeleteThat's some good advice! I'll have to keep that in mind!