Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Question #4 Do Over?

If you know anything about me, I am big on preserving my memory.  It seems like after having cancer, I have a terrible time remembering things.  I have no idea why this has happened, but it's gotten worse the older I get.  I love taking pictures and writing in my journal (or blogging...ha ha) so that I can remember everything.'s question of the day is: If you could go back in time and restart your life, when would it be?

I know that a lot of people say that they'd hate to relive high school again, but me, I'd love to go back and start out as a freshman....or maybe a sophomore.  High school wasn't terrible for me, but it wasn't great either.  I wouldn't change anything about myself because I loved being me, but I'd like to have taken more chances and done more out of my comfort zone.  It would be fun to be a little more confident in high school. too.  I think doing college over would be amazing too (if I started my re-do in high school, I could re-do college too).  College was one of the best times of my life.  I loved being a student, I loved the freedom of being "on my own", it was great meeting new lifelong friends, partying...everything about college was great!  Maybe I am just missing my youth and carefree life, I don't know, but that was a great period in time.  The fun stopped when I turned 21 and found out I had cancer, however, I'll always remember the first three years of college as the best years!!  OK, your turn....if you could go back and re-do your life at a certain time, what would it be?       

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