Being that it is still January, I figure I can probably still get away with this question. Albeit, some people have already given up, I'll ask anyway. Did you make any New Year resolutions? If so, what were they? Have you made steps to follow through with them? (Wow...that was three questions!) I prefer to think of New Year resolutions more as goals. Each year I make a list of goals, things I'd like to accomplish throughout the year, not necessarily all year long (there are a few of those too). I always have a few main goals and then a bunch of smaller, easier to complete tasks. I also add a few ideas in that are maybe more to think about than actually accomplish.
Here are a few of my goals for 2013.
- Get healthy. That's a big one, I know. I really should say "lose weight" because there is no doubt that needs to happen as well, but really I want to be healthier. If I lose weight in the process, so be it. Overall, I am mostly content with who I am. There is definitely room for improvement (especially since I am heavier than I've ever been), but it's most important to live a healthier life in general. This encompasses a lot more than just my weight. I've already started working on this in 2012, I would like to keep up with it and expand in 2013. A few things that will help me with this ongoing goal is swimming. Swimming is a passion of mine, so in a way, it helps keep my body and mind healthier. While getting up early and swimming isn't entirely great, having the time away from L and catching up with my BFF while working out is well worth it. Another step is eating better. I love veggies and fruit. I like clean food...however, I can't control myself around bad food either. I am excited to try new recipes that are both delicious and good for you. I haven't always been a big fan of cooking, but as I became a parent, I've finally come to love it. Finally, I'd like to work on managing stress in my life....maybe take up some of the techniques I learned while doing biofeedback for my shoulder pain.
- Getting L to sleep in underwear instead of pull ups.
- Using re-usable grocery bags when going to the store. I go through about seven million plastic bags. It's insane. And really, I have a bunch of reusable bags and I love them. I am just SO forgetful, I never remember them. Seriously....I went to Wal-Mart with my bags in the cart and STILL forgot they were there....DUH!
- Starting a compost bin. I haven't started this yet because I haven't quite decided on where I want to put a compost bin. I'm sure that A is going to just LOVE this goal. Hahahaha....I started recycling last year and we have WAY more recycling than fits into one small bin. Somehow, all my recycling goods end up all over my back porch when the bin is overflowing.
- Continue to find creative outlets for both myself and L.
- Make more jewelry (this is pretty constant goal every year).
- Plant another garden and maintain my flower beds. This was something I started last year and actually really enjoyed. I'd like to expand on my garden and keep filling in my flower beds this year.
- Learn the best way to help L succeed. This is a huge one. A and I need to work on finding a better way to help L flourish. Recently, I had a parent/ teacher conference with his preschool teacher and found out (not completely unsurprisingly) that they were having similar problems with him as we were at home. We have started some testing and gone through some of the process, but I would like us to maybe go to some counselling or classes to help us be better parents.
Alright....I'd say I have quite a year ahead of me. I'm sure along the way I will tweak and add things. Looking back on last years list, I feel a great sense of accomplishment. OK, your turn!!!