Friday, February 15, 2013

Cancer Blows UPDATE

Seriously, is there a single person alive who hasn't either directly or indirectly been effected by cancer?  Ugh.  What a freaking pain in the butt (and for me, that is literal).  I remember a year, or five after I was diagnosed, I'd go to the Dr.'s for a cold and come out looking like a pin cushion because they wanted to test my numbers.  Just in case.  If I had a dollar every time I've heard that I could retire.  And worse, it's not just doctors you hear it from.  It's literally everyone in your life.  And for YEARS after having cancer.  You know at this point in the game, I have no more of a disposition to get cancer than any other average Joe?  None the less, my family and even myself, are bound to worry about any strange little change in my body.  Granted, I am usually the least worried out of the bunch.  Still, it takes it's toll.  I'd be lying if I said I never worried a little about it.

So, anyway, what prompted this rant is that I found a hard lump on my ankle.  I have had a small, hard lump on the outside of my left arm for a few months that I just chalked up to a fatty deposit or something.  Well, now I have a similar lump on my left ankle.  Goody.  Under the advice of my mom, I now have to go to the Dr.'s.  Boo.  I honestly can't decide if I am more worried about what it is or more annoyed at having to go see ANOTHER Dr. who probably doesn't know what's going on and will send me to another, and can see a pattern here, I'm sure.  My best guess is that it's nothing to really worry about.  I am a little worried that even if it's just a calcium deposit or something like that, I'll have to have it removed and that ticks me off.  Ideally, I'd like to go through a whole year without having surgery.  I know, it's a lofty goal!  Ugh.  I actually feel raging mad about this whole situation.  I am so fed up with body crap.  I don't want to think about this stuff let alone worry about it.  Grr.  Yup, definitely more angry and annoyed than worried.  Alright, I'm gonna take my lumpy body and go get ready for work now.  And in a half hour....sigh....I'll go call the doctor.  Yippee.     

I went to my internist and she wasn't sure what the lumps were.  She sent me to a surgeon.  I was supposed to have an appointment on Thursday this week, however, they called because there was a cancellation, so I went in yesterday.  The Dr. said the one on my arm is a lipoma (fat deposit...just what I thought!), but he was a little perplexed by the one on my ankle.  He did an ultrasound of it and still wasn't a hundred percent certain what was happening, but he thought it could possibly be an inflamed vein.  For three weeks, I have to wear a compression sock and take anti-inflammatories.  If it doesn't go away by then, he said he'd have to open it up and figure out what was causing it.  Here's hoping the compression socks work!!!

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