Sorry it's been so long since I've actually blogged, but between celebrating L's FOURTH birthday and the flu running rampant through my house, I've been quite the busy/ bedridden girl. I am going to write a little about L's birthday party today. Honestly, I probably overdid it big time, but really it was so fun and everything looked amazing. When I do something, I want to do it right. And when I have a theme, you can bet I am sticking to it like glue. Hahaha.
Here are some of the pictures of the things I did (with some help from my mom...thank you mom!) that made this party so cool!!!

I guess I should have put these in order, but I am assuming you can figure it out. This is a picture of the cake before it was frosted. I actually made three cakes. One 9x13, one 7x11 and one in a bread pan. We toggled back and forth with ideas for the "nubs" and if we should put something between the layers. One of the ideas for the "nubs" was jumbo marshmallows, but I couldn't find those anywhere. Last minute I thought Oreos would be great and mom got the double stuffed so they were a little bigger, which worked perfectly. We really aren't that skilled in cake making, but I think we pulled this off alright. I bought some sort of gel frosting color and boy, was that stuff ever bright. And let me tell you, it looked great, but was EVERYWHERE!!! Everyone had red, yellow, or blue lips! In the end, the second layer didn't fit exactly as we had originally planned, but I liked it put at an angle better...gave it more depth. The little Lego men sitting on the cake was an awesome last minute addition as well!!

I really love these goody bags. They turned out SUPER cute. I just bought colored bags at the party store and cut out 6 circles from an empty roll of toilet paper, painted them, and CAREFULLY glued them on. Shockingly, not a single "nub" fell off and I had those bad boys PACKED with goodies!!!
It's funny, but something as simple as this was really the hit of the party. One night after putting L to bed, I stole his Legos and built this. It was super simple, but such a neat touch. I actually ended up putting some Lego trees and two Lego guys in that empty green space. Everyone loved it! So easy, but really tied the whole party together.
I saw this idea on Pinterest. I thought it was really sweet! I had to hide both the "4" and silverware/napkin caddy from L until his actual birthday for fear he'd get excited and end up taking it all apart! Hahaha!
We also had your normal party decorations like Lego plates, streamers (with Lego pics on the end of them),
and a "Happy Birthday" Lego sign. We also had tons of balloons. I sent A and L to go to the party store the day of the party and said get ONE Lego balloon and maybe FIVE regular balloons. They came back with 12 regular balloons and one Lego. For some unknown reason, the regular balloons started popping, so mom and I had to run back and get more. They gave us extra since A called and said more had popped while we were gone. We had balloons everywhere. The kids loved it. Overall it was really a great party and well worth all the work. L had a blast and cleaned up like a fat rat!!!!