Friday, August 3, 2012

Lazy Me

I've definitely been lazy on the blog front this week.  I figured I didn't really feel like whining nonstop on my blog.  To make a long story extremely short (basically saving you lots of complaining), I have been having these awful lower back/ hip pains for the last week now and still have no idea why.  Daily calls to my Dr. and a trip to the ER last night have weeded out a few things it is NOT, but I am still walking like a 90 yr old lady and make lots of weird faces trying not to swear/ cry every time I get up.  Ugh....swear to God, if it's not one thing, it's a freaking 'nother.  Boo. 

We are getting closer to VACATION!  I am getting ridiculously excited!!!  I am so hilariously anal...we have ten days before we leave and I already have stuff gathered to pack.  Hahaha!  Who packs weeks before vacation?  Oh yeah, me.  I've had my lists made since last Friday.  God, I freaking LOVE lists.  I am tempted to rummage through my terribly cluttered and not at all organized paperwork to find my lists from last year.  I feel like I am forgetting stuff.  I think it's just so weird that we have so much LESS to pack with L out of a crib, high chair, stroller, diapers, bottles, etc.  For the past three years, we've been packed up to our noses with all the baby junk, I feel like I am forgetting things without it!  I am such a planner, having that "crap, what did I forget" feeling is making me a little crazy! 

I guess I am finishing this post a few days after I started it!  Oops.  Now we have seven days till vacation.  It's getting to be crunch time!  Today I took a minute to re-write my lists because they have been in my purse for a week already and look old and used.  See?  I was not lying about oddly anal about everything.  One of my favorite things to do as we get a little closer, is divide my "to do" list into days.  It makes the list seem less overwhelming that way.  And I have exactly what I need to do already scheduled for each day....I'm not left floundering or forgetting to do something.  It's really crazy, but it makes me feel a lot better! 

I had my post-op appointment with my surgeon yesterday.  He was very impressed with how well I am healing.  He said that if this was the first surgery I had ever had on my shoulder, he would have been impressed, but seeing that it's the fourth one, he said I was doing amazing!  Not like I didn't already know that :)!  I told him that I was so excited and amazed with the results, I could kiss him.  He said "what the heck" and gave me a giant hug!  That was pretty sweet!  I really have to give some credit to my aquatic therapy sessions in helping with my speedy recovery.  I love getting into the pool and working it out.  When I see those dumb colored rubber bands for normal physical therapy, I want to run screaming.  But in the pool, I feel so relaxed and I dig the whole no impact part of it.  Just this week, we moved my weights up two more of those little foam circles.  I gotta say, WOAH!  Two foam circles makes a world of difference in difficulty!  But at the same time, it feels GREAT knowing I can do it!

In a nutshell, that's what's happening with me.....I made some really cute sandals and tonight my mom and I are tie dying, so maybe soon I will post some pictures of my latest crafts!!! 

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