I am not going to say I am not nervous about L's surgery on Wednesday. But, I am keeping busy by cleaning the house and preparing to be gone for two nights. I know this is silly, but I keep feeling like I need to pack the whole house with me. We decided it might be fun to go stay at a hotel in Cleveland the night before, we are going to go out to dinner and swim in the hotel pool. Plus, the surgery is likely to be first thing in the morning and it's way easier to drive 15 minutes rather than an hour and a half to get there at 6am. L will be staying one night in the hospital as well...from what I understand, we can stay with him all night too. So now we are getting into two changes of clothes, toiletries, pillows (I canNOT sleep without my own pillow), blankies, stuffed animals, stuff to keep L occupied in the hospital, books and electronics to keep us occupied during the surgery (and all the chargers that go along with that), etc... You get the picture. It's crazy. On top of that, we have to drop Ziva (dog) off at my in-laws and prepare my mom to take care of the cats and fish. To make matters even more chaotic, I feel like I need to clean my house and wash all of our bedding and all of L's stuffed animals. There's nothing worse than coming home to a messy house....and God forbid my little boy sleep with dirty stuffed animals after a surgery (I know...it's nuts and I know better but I am goofy and worry about infection...seriously...I am certifiable at this point! LOL!!)
I don't know if I have ever taken the time to explain the whole "bed situation" of L's. It's intense. He literally sleeps with tons of blankets...I can recall 10 not including sheets and comforter....and TONS of stuffed animals. I've lost count of exactly how many of them are turtles, but there are a bunch. When he was little, he used to make me put the blankets on him a certain way and he would name each blanket as I went (example: monkey blanket, train blanket, etc). Thankfully, we broke him of that habit (not an easy feat!), but he still loves all the blankets (to the point that I had to hide them all so he couldn't find them) and washing his bedding is literally a full day, if not longer, chore!!!
I think maybe all this house cleaning/ worrying about packing may just be my way of dealing with my nervous energy. My way of coping for now. I can live with that. It's definitely better than having some other bad habit!
It's weird....while I am definitely anxious about this whole ordeal, I think I'm actually a lot calmer than I would imagine (don't quote me on this come Wednesday!). Maybe because I've been through so much myself and the whole process of surgery isn't a big unknown for me. I really do trust this doctor. I like her a lot and she seems like she is 100% capable and it's very important to her to do everything right. As a parent, that's basically the most you could ask for, right? Alright....well, I think I just heard the ding of the dryer.....time to fold some clothes (ahem....more dang blankets!!! LOL!)
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