Friday, January 24, 2014

New Year, New Attempt at Blogging.....

I do this every year....I'm a fair weather blogger.  Which really isn't any way to get your blog read...but whatever.  A lot of times, I do this more for myself than for anyone else.  It's a new year and I should have some resolutions, but this year I am saying "screw it" and start the year off feeling good and not ending 2014 feeling guilty for not achieving all my new year goals.  So no false promises of being the next blogging queen.  If I get to it, I get to it.  :)

As I sat watching the ball drop and the strike of midnight of 2014, I got this little nagging feeling of anxiety.  For my little family, 2014 could prove to be very interesting...for the good and bad.  This is the year that L is supposed to have his heart surgery (aside below explaining in case I haven't explained before).  Also, in the summer of 2014, there is a very good chance we are going to be welcoming a new child into our home!!!  No, I am not pregnant (or planning on getting pregnant), but my cousin from Germany is going to be an exchange student and live with us for the whole school year!  Growing up, my parents had two exchange students/ cousins (from Germany) come and live with us.  One when I was a freshman in high school and one when I was a junior in college.  It is an experience I'd never trade for a million years.  There were definitely some bumps in the road along the way, but overall, we all became so close and it was so wonderful to have that connection.  I am very excited for the challenge.  Part of that challenge includes finding a place for her to stay, so we are having to make some adjustments and are making the basement her living quarters.  I keep my main floor of our house spotless, but admittedly, I am terrible about keeping the basement clean.  It's a freaking pig pen...don't judge!!!  We definitely have our work cut out for us!  Even with with all the work we have to do to get ready, I think we all are pretty excited! 

L is most likely going to be having heart surgery this summer (hopefully EARLY summer).  He has had a fairly decent sized hole in his heart (Atrial Septal Defect) since he was born.  It hasn't closed up yet, though last time he was checked was early last year.  At that time, the Dr. basically told us that the chances of it closing were pretty slim and that he was planning on doing surgery on L the summer before he goes to Kindergarten.  All this time, I have been fairly low key and not stressing at all, but for some reason as soon as the calendar changed to 2014, it dawned on me just how close it is to surgery time.  Yikes!  It should be a fairly simple surgery, no open heart surgery or anything like that....but somehow the idea of keeping L down and quiet seems almost impossible!  I am sure whatever needs to happen will and everything will be alright.  He has his appointment in April to check and make sure the hole hasn't miraculously closed on it's own.  From there, the doctors have a meeting and review their options and then they schedule surgery. first blog in 2014.  It's taken me almost a month to finish this!  We will see how things go!

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