In the last few elections, I've become more and more solid with my political opinions. I would never say that I know everything about politics, because I absolutely do not. I feel like I am swimming in a sea of bullsh*t on a daily basis watching commercials, being on facebook, EVERYTHING. How do you even remotely begin to know what you believe/ who you want to vote for?? Anyway, I digress.....
I would really be interested to know how many people are actually, truly undecided by this point in the game. Come on now, we all have been arguing our friends and families for months about who we are voting for and why. Please explain to me why we still have to be flooded with commercials on every single media outlet???? Someday, I'd love to see a candidate, I don't care what party they are from, decide that they are doing minimum commercials and campaigning and that the millions they would spend on all this crap would be donated to a charity...or the national debt...or something. I would RUN to the polls to vote for someone like this. This campaigning stuff has really just gotten so out of control anymore. Another idea for a campaign, is to not bash the opponent, but focus on the good stuff you're going to do. I know these ideas are a total foreign to all things politics, but I probably hear some variation of this literally daily if not more often. To me, seeing someone be the bigger man (or woman) and taking the higher road would be amazing. I love the idea. I don't even think there would be a competition.
I think I've been more than clear about who I am voting for this election. I won't claim that I agree with everything Obama is about, but ultimately, my beliefs run a lot more liberal than conservative. Actually, I voted a while ago. Done...and done! Maybe they should make a special button to turn off all the commericals, etc after you already voted! PS- save the trees....quit sending me mail too!
I look forward to tomorrow with a sense of relief, excitement, and a little fear. Change is always a little scary.
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